Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Up To Wednesday

We haven't really been "Up To" much lately. We spent the weekend doing yard work and have since been trying to get the house clean clean clean.

 After I raked and raked I took a break and...
Joey got the leaf blower out!
I think that would have been a nice suggestion while I was working =)

Noah likes when we burn the leaves.

That night we roasted marshmallows and just sat around the fire.

 Bella won't come outside. She's afraid of the fire.

 And of course you need hot chocolate when you come inside!


  1. how i would love a backyard that i could rake up all the fall leaves. i love you did this all together as a family with the reward of marshmallows and hot chocolate :-)

  2. I want to come to your house!! Roasting marshmallows is my fav :)
    Cute pictures!!


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