Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Book Chat - Holiday Reading Plans


The Book Chat is back! I'm linking up with Jessica from Sweet Green Tangerine again.

I'm trying to read as much as possible right now because I know I won't get any reading done over the Christmas holiday. I'm not doing very well. It's been hard to find time to read. We were visiting family for Thanksgiving and I didn't have time to read. That's fine with me though because I haven't seen them in a very long time. Since we've been home I've been playing catch up on cleaning, getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for Noah's birthday, and there just really doesn't seem to be time. But I'm trying.

I asked my mom to go see Le Miserables with me when I go home for Christmas. I knew to not even ask Joey. There's no way he would go see it. I've never read the book. I watched the movie in high school and I've always wanted to read the book. I really just need to get focused and READ. If I don't I'll never finish my books for Megan's book challenge or read Le Miserables.


  1. YAY!! I'm doing the same! I already talked my hubby into seeing this for Christmas with me but he's read the book! I've yet to see anything about Les Mes but I'm still super excited.

    I'm also reading for the Winter Challenge. We can totally do it!!! :D

  2. I'm SO SO excited about this movie. I watch the previews almost daily. I'm going to see it with my mom too, I think. :)

  3. I LOVE that quote! Haha that is too funny (and true). Good luck with your reading plans! I have read Les Mis and it is loooooooong, but the actual story is probably my favorite of all time. :)


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