Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Year

Noah is now officially a second grader. He woke up early this morning. An hour early. I was happily sleeping when he woke me up and asked, "When are you going to get up?" He stood dressed and ready for school. He was obviously very excited about his first day. All morning he kept asking me how much longer before we had to leave.

I was, as usual, a little sad. He just keeps growing up and I can't stop it. I wish I could freeze time for just a little bit. I was so ready for him to go back to school. He was getting bored during the day and that ended in him getting in more trouble than usual. The last few weeks have been tough. Now the house is quiet. It's just me and the dog. She sleeps most of the day so she isn't much company. It's too quiet! This will be a nice break though because in about five weeks Emily will be here and I know it won't be so quiet anymore.

I hope Noah has a great first day!


  1. I love that last picture!

    I agree- enjoy the quiet. It'll be crazy before you know it. Pass some of the first day excitement this way!

  2. That last picture is adorable - and enjoy the quiet!

  3. He's so cute!! Time really does fly, it's so important to enjoy each little moment :)


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