Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dream House

While I've been thinking and praying about moving a lot lately I've also been dreaming about the perfect house. We've lived in two apartments in Germany, one house in Italy, one apartment in Italy, One house in Louisiana, and now the house here in Illinois. I definitely know now what I do and do not want in a home! If and when we buy a new home I'm going to be VERY picky. I settled on our last two homes and I'm not doing it again.

Big kitchen with center island
Lots of storage space
Playroom- OR large bedrooms big enough for the kids to actually play in
Room for Joey to have his Sports stuff
Craft space
Must have a garage
Open floor plan
A nice master bathroom with a big tub

Don't want:
Any kind of septic system
Busy street
Houses too close together

I can't seem to find a photo of our fist apartment in Germany...

Our second apartment in Germany.

Our House in Italy.

Our apartment in Italy.

Our house in Louisiana.

Our house in Illinois.

What will our next home look like?

1 comment:

  1. I want a basement! but open to the back or a split level house and lots and lots of windows haha


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